Simple Treatment Protocol 7

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Frequency of breath, normal 16-24 times/minutes

Nature of the breath:
1. thorakal: the respiratory muscles without involving thorax abdomen muscles, is common on the abdomen muscles spasm.
2. abdominal: the respiratory muscles without abdominal muscle thorax, usually on the Costa trauma cases, or on the Costa muscle paralysis.
3. supraklavikula: the type of respiratory assistance in addition to normal breathing, is common on the status of asthmatics, etc. udem pulmo.
4. costoabdominal / thoracoabdominal: a normal type of respirator

Respiratory rhythm:
- Normal: the respirator in accordance with the needs of oxygen, for example, to activity certainly fast, and slowed again at the time not activities.
- Kussmaul: breathing is fast and result in a lack of oxygen / metabolic acidosis.
- Biot: amplitude not breathing is very regular, sometimes high, and low back. Due to brain damage.
- Cheyne Stokes: amplitude of short-ago escalate ago apnea to low and back to the beginning of the cycle. Due to brain damage.
- Shallow: rapid breathing, but shallow. As a result of interference in tuberculosis missal emphysema
- Asymmetry: between pulmo left and right is not symmetrical. In the case Schwarte

Focal fremitus equate with the right and left
Indurate; if there infiltrate, cavern, cavities
Weakened; on emphysema, pneumothorax, hydro thorax, atelektasis obstruction

In the normal person, is a sonor sound percuss
There are some sound that is abnormal;
1. hipersonor: when the air contains a lot of tuberculosis; on emphysema, pneumothorax
2. dim: if the liquid contains a lot of tuberculosis; effuse on the pleura
3. deaf: when tuberculosis contains solid tumor mass, up to no air

percuss heart is very difficult because it is protected by Costa and breast, so it was not discussed.

2 votes have known: a basic voice and vote to

Sound basic, consists of 5 kinds of sound;
1. tracheal, the voice sounded loud, rough, and clear, normally if auskultasi in the area trakea.
2. bronciale, the voice sounded weak, soft on the children more than adults, depending on the relative behavior of someone on example smokers. Sounds normal in the area broncos proximal.
3. bronkovesikuler, sounded weak, is the transition area. If the infiltrate is of this area will lead to sound similar to sound brokiale. Be normal in bronkiolus.
4. vesicular, very smooth sound, the sound will be going on all the inspiration and 1 / 3 early expirasi only. Normally heard in the alveolus.
5. amforik, if there is a large kavitas so that the results sound like the end of the bottle wind instrument.

Additional sound, is vibration from the disease process, consisting of 5 types;
1. dry rhonchi / wheezing: the sound is not lost due to lumen stricture broncos, usually heard in all parts of the expiration, can also at the end of inspiration.
2. rhonchi wet: noise due to air passing through fluid, occurred in all parts of the inspiration, which consists of 3 rough rhonchi (1/3 early inspiration), are currently (mid inspiration), and fine (1 / 3 the end of inspiration).
3. pleural rub: a result of friction between the pleura parietal and visceral experience that thick caused inflammation. Sound depends on the development of tuberculosis.
4. krepitasi: rhonchi sound like a wet, only occur at the beginning until the end of inspiration and expirasi. This vote is on a vast area on tuberculosis.
5. rhonchi wet basalt: sound similar to krepitasi, only occurred in the area pulmo basis. Voters filled alveolars due to this fluid, the usual udem pulmo, people with heart failure.

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