Attention from the main burn okuler whatever it is the ability sight end and cosmetic problems. Chemical burns are often bilateral and very often cause loss of sight very destructive. complicated ocular in the severe injury, among others, glaucoma, cornea perforation, cataracts, scar the cornea network, cul-de-sac conjunctiva, complications in conjunctiva and palpebra, ablasio retina, cornea and ulkus. Around 1-2 years surgical correction is needed to repair damage to the injury is more serious. A research by Kuckelkorn et al reported that a third of 131 patients with burns in the eyes eventually become disabled; about 15% total is considered blind. In 1995, almost a third of cornea transplants performed in the eye injury from the chemicals. Unfortunately, the success of transplantation in this case is less than 50%. Some patients require 4-5 transplants before finally succeeded. Research in the Western Galilee-Nahariya Medical Center, Nahariya, Israel, in September 1986 to March 1993, showed 93% transplants have good results, 1 patient requires re-transplantation because of edema, 4 patients experienced secondary glaucoma (S Rumelt, 1998).
l. There are 3 degree burns following marks:
1. stadium I Hiperemi on conjunctiva, with a lot of mucus, a slight irregularity in the cornea, sometimes found on the dots cornea. 2. stadium II Conjunctiva kemosis, degeneration occurs vaskularisasi and nekrose epitel cortex and cornea. 3. stadium III There was a necroses conjunctiva, necroses part in the cornea, which becomes clouded until perforation.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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