eye: 6

Bleeding Glass Body
Bleeding originating from the retina and koroid. Overcome rest with the recommendation, giving coagulant and the steroid that is intended to prevent the occurrence of network fibrotik that retinitis proliferates form, which can cause ablasi retina. If that happens due to irregularity of the blood in the corpus vitreous, then on the day-to-14, made virektomi (Brington et al, 2007).

Aberration Retina:

Edema Retina
Edema usually occurs near makula in polus area or in the posterior perifer. Looks as if coated by milk retina. If makula occurred in the central visus very disturbed with skotoma sentralis. It is advisable to give the rest back edema absorption, so that the fovea reflex appear again. Used to accelerate the absorption cortisone subkonjungtiva 0.5 cc 2 X a week.

Ruptur Retina
If the trauma is strong pressure not close the possibility of the hole, which caused ablasi retina. Ablasi usually happens because there is a V-shaped cleft potential is between epitel pigment cells, cone and rod layer. which is located on the top of the Temporal. When the going ablasi lead to total blindness. Treatment should be done as soon as possible with the principle of removing the liquid sub retina and coagulated rupture with diathermy.

Bleeding Retina
Outbreak in the vein of the retina cause the shadow on the black looking only bleeding depending on location. Handling with the bleeding body of glass.

Rags Sklera
In the case of all must be split by others bleeding first, little can be done if diathermy then sewed. Meanwhile, when the big enukleasi do to avoid oftalmia simpatika.

Split a large capsular Tenon generally caused fracture basis orbital. Make rays to determine the cranium, because enoftalmus not often visible, especially if accompanied udem. Operation must be done to close the base cranii way to bridge the bone graft material cartilage or aloplastik.

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