This malfunction causes interference comprehensive system of organs for the most important hormone metabolism.
Metabolism divided 2:
1. anabolisme / storage (requires insulin)
- Carbohidrat monosakarida will arbsorbsion into the duodenum and jejunum proksimal, blood glucose into the kehepar, stored in the form of glikogen.
- Protein into amino acids, and stored dihepar muscle
- Fat cilomikron into limfe brought to the vessel, converted by lipase into fatty acid and the gliserol become trigliserid and stored in fat cells.
2. katabolisme / splitter (needs glukagon, epineprin, adrenalin, cortisone, growh hormone)glikogen, protein, fat will be converted into blood glucose.
Sugar normal serum 70 - 110 mg / dl
If the glucose level> 160 - 180 mg / dl and the glucose difiltrasi by glomerolus have exceeded the threshold so that reabsorbsi akan out with urin (glukosuria).
How to measure glucose urin; method benedict
1. benedict enter 5 ml + 5 - 8 urin (not excess) in a test tube
2. enter the test tube to the boiling water for 5 minutes
3. lift and shake;
-: Still blue, green, clear, cloudy.
1 +: yellow, green, turbid (0,5-1%)
2 +: turbid yellow (1-1,5%)
3 +: orange / roily Lumpur (2-3,5%)
4 +: red turbid (> 3.5%)
Another way to strip dye
Types of diabetes
Diabetes Type I (juvenile ONSET, insulin dependent)
1. autoimun, genetic, idiopatik.
2. manifestations arise after the new 90% β cells damaged
3. in the process autoimun: HLA (human lekosit antigen) mengkode protein so that the T cells attack the β cells.
4. can appear at all age
Diabetes Type II (maturitas ONSET, insulin nondependent)
1. insulin remains.
2. Related autosom dominant genetic transmission.
3. Retention insulin: decrease in the ability of insulin to stimulate glucose perifer by the network and preventing glucose production by hepar
4. deviation fastening with insulin reseptor result:
a. reseptor reduced amount.
b. reseptor reduced.
going merger reseptor that abnormal insulin with insulin so that glucose transport adapting lower amount.
80% of Obesity, is the highest type, a decrease in body weight will increase insulin sensitivity.
Risk factor;
1. > 45 th
2. BB more (> 110%)
3. HT (≥ 140/90 mmHg TD)
4. the offspring of DM, DM Gestasional history
5. abortus, birth defects, infant> 4000 grams
6. history IGT & IFG
7. AMI, TB, Hyperthyroid
8. HDL ≤ 35 mg / dl or TG ≥ 250 mg / dl
Diabetes Gestational
Sekresi hormone glukagon increased during pregnancy so that women with diabetes have a genetic will manifests clinical diabetes or glucose intolerance.
Diabetes Diagnosis Gestational (O'sullivan and Mahan)
1. pregnancy age 24 - 28 days
2. if after drinking 75 grams of glucose found minimal
a. Fasting: 105 mg / dl
b. 1 hour: 190 mg / dl
c. 2 hours: 165 mg / dl
d. 3 hours: 145 mg / dl
Diabetes Type Other
1. deviation in the β cells usually appear at age <14 years
2. deviation of insulin so that the syndrome occurs Resistance weight and insulin acanthuses negrikan.
3. pankreasitis due to chronic disease exocrine, and infection
4. endocrine disease (Cusing, Akromegali)
5. drugs that toksid for β cells
Glucose interference Tolerance (IGT)
Not including diabetes, but high-risk
At the time of the measurement of fasting glucose values found normal, but after TTGO ≥ 200 mg / dl
Fasting glucose interference
Not including diabetes, but high-risk
The measurement of fasting glucose there is 110-126 mg / dl, while the other normal
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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