Otitis external diffuse is inflammation on the skin and burrow sub dermis the outside of the ear that can cause skin rash and can be spread to outside the ear (pinna) and ear drum (membrane timpani). Otitis external called acute when less than three (3) weeks.
Otitis external diffuse acute is the most common form of otitis eksterna and most often found on the lifeguard. Otitis external diffuse acute usually caused by bacteria, but sometimes can also be caused by a fungus. Elements of acute otitis external diffuse ONSET have a fast (usually within 48 hours).
Ear becomes itchy and painful and the skin into the ear hole eritema, edema and coated by secret a greenish color. With the development of the disease, patients feel pain when the ear leaf and touched when chewing. When inflammation is adequate not by others, the pain, itching and the smell secret will settle.
The cause of the three kinds of otitis external and type of causa factors different, but for acute otitis external diffuse and otitis external chronicles the same outline, although in some cases of chronic otitis external unknown cause.
Causes for acute otitis external diffuse, among others:
a. Bacterial infection, causes often namely Pseudomonas aeruginosa or Staphylococcus aureus, causes for acute otitis external this diffuse.
b. Fungus infection although only slightly, but more like on the old antibacterials topical or corticosteroid.
1. Superficial fungus infection usually caused by Candida albicans and occasionally by Aspergillus species.
2. Dermatophyte infections in the stratum corneum by epidermophyton, trichophyton, and micosporum.
3. Dermatitis Seborrhoea as often cause of acute otitis external. Dermatitis Seborrhoea the insulation on the ear and connected to one or more of the dandruff, blepharitis, or redness in the face.
c. Dermatitis due to contact the local irritant or allergen, such as Topical medicines, hearing aids, or ear plug.
d. Allergic contact Dermatitis usually has a fast onset / a sudden.
e. Dermatitis contact Irritant which tend the onset is incidental.
f. Often no cause is identified.
But there are some factors that do not directly cause a disease, but make the situation that is almost similar, the factors that, among other damage due to scratches by ear cotton buds too hard when the time clear ears, increased humidity due to water entering the ear during swimming, especially in dirty water and humid environments also influence, and the last is the chemicals such as hair spray.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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