With various types of anemia manifests and it is already known, so many, so it is very difficult to arrange the classification of this aberration. In general, there are 2 categories that need to be distinguished, namely; eritrosit circumstances where production is not enough and the circumstances which occurred destructs eritrosit excessive. (Widmann, F.K).
Anemia can be classified according to (1). red blood cell morphology and the index-index, or (2). etiology. (Baldy, C.M., 1995).
On the classification of anemia according to the morphology, micro and macro indicates the size of red blood cells, while the color shows cromik. There are 3 major classifications:
Morphology and the result of a decrease in the reduced O2 transport capacity:
Anemia Makrositik-normokromik:
Large, eritrosit form of abnormal Hb concentration but normal
Anemia Mikrositik-Hipokromik:
Small, abnormal eritrosit form, Hb concentrations decreased
Anemia Normositik-Normokromik:
Damage eritroblas normal or eritrosit Matur
Name and mechanisms of anemia:
Anemia pernicious: deficiency Vitamin B12 / Cobalamin; DNA and RNA synthesis in the abnormal eritroblast; the premature death of cells.
Anemia Defisiensi Folat: defisiensi folat for eritropoesis, premature cell death.
Anemia deficiency Metal: Metal deficiency for the production of Hb, Hb Insufficient
Anemia Sideroblastik: disfunction iron up-take by eritroblas and defek porfirin and heme synthesis.
Thalasemia: failure of synthesis alpha and beta chain of Hb A; fagositosis eritroblas abnormal in bone marrow
Anemia Aplastik; insufficient eritropoesis
Anemia post-bleeding, blood loss:
Anemia Hemolitik; destructs from early in the circulation eritrosit Matur
Sickle cell anemia, abnormal Hb synthesis, so that the form of abnormal cells can easily be damaged, lisis, and difagositosis.
Anemia due to chronic diseases; abnormal increase in demand from new eritrosit.
The cause of primary:
Congenital or intrinsic factors deficiency obtained; genetic aberration DNA synthesis
Deficiency folat in food. Chronic bleeding; defisiensi iron in food,
Interference function congenital in iron metabolism eritroblas, disruption of iron metabolism that result from drug-or toxin
Globin synthesis Defek genetic kongenital.
Depression stem cell proliferation result in bone marrow aplasia
Acute or chronic bleeding that stimulate increased eritropoesis, usually followed by a decrease in body iron.
Any conditions that increase the eritrosit easily broken.
Hb synthesis interference function congenital. Chronic diseases or malignancy
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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