According Isselbacher et al. (2000): Dispnea is a major manifestation of the disease, and respiratory system cardiovascular. Dispnea that occur due to heart disease secondary often recognized the presence of other symptoms that prove the existence of heart failure, such as heart enlargement, gallop rhythm, heart and noisy. It may be difficult to distinguish dispnea nocturnal paroxysmal the edema caused by the tuberculosis that originate from the heart rudiment nocturnal asthma attack bronchial and chronicles the disease tuberculosis. Secret with the collection lie in the position.
The same importance in the diagnosis appeal is ask carefully about the relationship between dispnea symptoms and other symptoms such as angina pektoris (which suggestive toward heart disease iskemik) or cough with expectorate (which suggestive to the tuberculosis disease).
Dispnea can also occur on the chest wall aberration. Respiratory muscles or interference nerve the respiratory muscles causing obstructions in the respiratory mechanical (work that impedes restrictive), feeling of shortness of breath due to psychological disturbances (the fear, neurosis, and hyperventilate syndrome), intoxicate, interference metabolism, anemia, hypoxia, acidosis.
Failed heart chronicles often associated with heart enlargement, the diagnosis should be is, but not necessarily removed, if all the rooms in the heart are normal size. Two-dimensional Ekocardiografi particularly useful in assessing dimensions of each room heart. Failed heart may be difficult to be distinguished from the disease tuberculosis. Embolism tuberculosis also have many manifestations in heart failure.
Edema ankle may be caused by vena varicose, but the effect of gravity on the patient does not have hypertension vena jugulars at rest or with the emphasis on abdomen.
Edema secondary to kidney disease and the appropriate urinalysis and rarely associated with increased pressure vena. Asites and liver enlargement occurred in patients with cirrhosis hepatics and can also be distinguished from heart failure with the pressure of the vena jugulars and the absence of normal reflux abdominojugularis positive.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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