Liquid Chemical Acid
Coagulate result that occurred because precipitate protein networks that form a barrier that impede the wide and the depth of the damage. This condition is called necroses coagulate
Liquid Chemical Basa
Basa chemical does not cause the damage so that coagulate ongoing that may lead to perforation. This condition is called necroses coalescent
Handling Chemical Trauma
Treatment for all chemical trauma must begin as soon as possible. This is the only way to keep ability sight, is to start irrigation landing soon as possible and at least about 30 minutes. The goal of treatment in chemical burns is to reduce inflammation, pain, and risk of infection.
eyes can be given if necessary to facilitate the irrigation well. check the pH of the water with litmus paper, if available every 5 minutes and continue until the pH becomes neutral (color paper will change to blue when exposed to red and • If patients come to the right to practice or emergency unit, physiological salt solution is selected, but, if not available, ordinary tap water can be used. Anestheticbasa if exposed to acid). • sterile solution with a solvent such as osmolaritas high amphoter (Diphoterine) or buffer solution (or Ringer Laktat BSS) is the ideal rinse. If not available, sterile saline solution isotonic is rinse matches. Hipotonik solvent, such as water, may cause further penetration of the corrosive solution into the cornea because the structure of the cornea has a more Find osmotik high (420 mos / L). • duration and number of fluid pH by rinse eyes. Irrigation forwarded to a normal pH in 30 minutes. Use of Morgan lens eye irrigation system or other interfensi can minimize its consequences blepharospasme, which can often such severe. If this is not available, the sheath can manually drawn Desmarres with a retractor, speculum sheath, or a Paperclip crooked . The edge of the lapse intravenous can direct the flow of sterile fluid into the eye. In addition, use a cotton trunk to lift every objects that may be restrained in fornik. Trunk can clip cotton into the solution ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) 1% if the chemicals it contains calcium oxide. • After irrigation, oftalmologik comprehensive examination is required. If injury light, patients can be returned to the antibiotic eye drops, oral analgesic, and bandage the eye. Further examination should be done in 24 hours. • Injury mild chemical burn should be given to current sikloplegia using antagonisekolinergik so that does not cause the blood vessel contriksi more. Lubrication antibiotics should be given every 1 to 2 hours together with a large number of artificial tears and the anti-pain drugs per oral if necessary. Giving topical steroid is important to prevent the infiltration cells netrofil so will prevent your kolagenase, but steroid use may not be used for more than a week because of the risk melelehnya corneoscleral. In addition, some experts use of oral vitamin C (up to 2-g qid) because the production has been increasing by collagen fibroblast.
Pressure elevation intrakranial must treat with Diamox if necessary, but the beta-blocker topical can be used alone or in addition. The provision of roller press can be considered, and the patient needs to be reset every day to going reepitelisasi perfect. Burns are serious to be referred to a specialist's eye, when you need to sub cornea specialist, if available, Inpatient and very necessary. Amniotic membranes (AM) has been facilitating the migration cells epitel, strengthen adhesi cells eitel chart basalt, epitel prevent apoptosis, and increase the differentiation epitel. Cangkok AM (AM grafts) was used to help reduce network scar, inflammation, and neovascularisasi from the affected eye trauma; contact lenses AM still in the research for the purposes mentioned above.
Treatment due to injury in the sour hidrofluorida, there is no optimal treatment is available. Some research has been using the 1% calcium gluconate as material or as drops rinse pata for injuries like this. Magnesium compound has also been used anecdotal injured due to acid hydrofluoric; however, little research that supports success. Irrigation with magnesium chloride has nontoksik on the eyes. The advantage with the approach of this kind have been reported in anecdotal even 24 hours of injury when treat others do not. Some authors recommend drops every 2-3 hours for use as rinse can cause irritation and may cause over go ulserasi cornea.
The provision of lubricants may also be required. Lubricate the adequate help prevent the occurrence of symblepharon. Some penuli recommend the use of steroid topikal in some patients, especially in trauma due to acid and basa hidrofluorida. They believe steroid can limit the intraocular inflammation and the formation of fibroblasts in the lower korne. Some of the others make the risk of infection and the potential benefits exceed ulserasi obtained.
Cycloplegic mydriatics
Assist in the prevention spasme siliar. In addition, this material is stabilisated permeabilitas the vein therefore, reduce the inflammation. Homatropine 5% is often recommended because it has a lifetime of work on average 12-24 hours, a time when the patient must meet the eyes of experts for further examination. Sikloplegik the long term, such as scopolamine and atropine, more rarely used.
Antibiotics (ophthalmic)
Patients with trauma to the cornea, conjunctiva, and sclera is a usual to give antibiotics or eye drops salep eyes topical profilaksis, broad spectrum, (eg, tobramycin, gentamicin, ciprofloxacin, norfloxacin, bacitracin). Neomycin and the sulfa more rarely used because the number of cases of allergy.
Some experts recommend the use of diclofenac eye drops. This may be the best therapy is an alternative therapy in addition to the roller with the trauma patient in the cornea, the patient can still use both eyes during treatment.
Surgical therapy if there is additional interference wound healing after trauma chemical that is very severe:
- A conjunctival and limbal transplantation (stem cell transfer) can replace a missing parent cells that are important for the healing cornea. So that will cause a re-epitelisasi.
- If the cornea does not experience healing, a cyanoacrylate glue can be used to strike a hard contact lens (artificial epitel) to help healing.
- Procedure Tenon's capsuloplasty (mobilization and recall a forward flap [sheet / wing] of subconjunctival network to Tenon's capsula to cover the existing defect) can help eliminate defek on the conjunctiva and sclera.
Handling after eye surgery continued stable:
- Lisis of symblepharon to improve motilitas okuler and palpebra.
- Plastic Surgery on palpebra for free eyeball. (This may only be around 12 to 18 months after the injury).
- If there is a total loss of goblet cells, transplantation of nasal mucosa usually eliminate pain.
- Penetrating ceratoplasty can be done to restore the sign. Because the cornea is damaged vascularisasi get very many, the procedure is colored by the number of rejection incidence cangkokan. Corena a clear basa rarely found in the eyes that experienced severe trauma and even with a cornea cangkok with the same HLA type and therapy imunosupresif.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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