A. Definition
Hypertension or high blood pressure disease is a disruption in the blood vessel in the supply of nutrients and oxygen carried by blood to the network being the body that need it.
B. Etiology
Based on the causes hypertension were divided into two groups, namely:
1. Essentials hypertension or primary hypertension is not known it, is also called hypertension idiopathic. There are approximately 95% of cases. Many factors such as the influence genetic, environmental, hyperactivity's nervous sympathies, rennin-angiotensin system, defek in exresi Na, Na and Ca increased intracellular, and the factors that increase risk, such as Obesity, alcohol, smoking, and polisitemia.
2. Secondary hypertension or renal hypertension. There are about 5% of cases. Known specific causes, such as the use of estrogen, kidney disease, renal hypertension vascular, hiperaldosteronisme primary, and Cushing syndrome, feokromositoma, koarktasio aorta, hypertension associated with pregnancy, and others.
C. Clinical Manifestations
Elevation of blood pressure is sometimes the only symptom. When such symptoms appear after the new complications occur in the kidneys, eyes, brain, or heart. Other symptoms that are often found headache, epitaxy's, angry, ears buzz, heavy feeling in occiput, difficulty sleeping, eye dizzy worm, and dizziness.
D. Examination Support
Routine laboratory examination done before starting the therapy aims to determine the existence of organ damage and other risk factors or explore the causes of hypertension. Usually examined urinalyses, perifer full of blood, blood chemistry, blood sugar, cholesterol, and EKG. In addition to the examination can be done, such as klirens kreatinin, urine protein 24, nerves acid, TSH, and echocardiografi.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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