Dermatitis is inflammation Numularis on the skin lesi in the form of coin or currency somewhat oval, with a firm boundary efflorescence form papulovesikel, usually wet, so easily broken. Disease first found by Rayer in 1845 and introduced as the eczema numular by Devergie in the year 1857. Nummular derived from the Latin that is "nummus" which means "coin."
The cause of dermatitis numularis not clear, some authors believe that bacterial infection is the primary agent etiology, and many of the influence factors. Stafilokokus infection and possible mikrokokus involved, considering the increased number of participating even though clinical signs of infection are not visible. Exacerbate occur if the bacteria colonies increased over 10 million bactery/cm2. Or may also be due to reaction hypersensitivities.
Dermatitis contact role may participate in the cases of dermatitis numularis, for example, allergic to nickel, chrome, cobalt, and irritation of the wool and soap. Physical trauma, and the chemical is also likely involved, especially if it occurs on the hands, also in injury time in the form of network grater. In some cases, emotional stress, and drinking beverages that alkohol can evoke exacerbate. Environment that tends to dry also able to trigger exacerbate.
Dermatitis of the skin generally dry, hidrasi stratum corneum tends to be low. Number of SP (P subtansi), VIP (vasoaktive intestinal polypeptide), and CGRP (calcitonin related peptide genes) increased in the dermal nerve fiber sensoris skin, whereas in epidermal nerve fiber is the increased SP and CGRP. This indicates a potential neuropeptide mechanisms in the process degranulasi mast cells.
Usually dermatitis numularis adults not related to interference atopi, whereas in children associated with dermatitis atopik.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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