sinusitis 4

Patofisiologi sinus can be divided into 2, namely;

- Rhinogen
Inflamasi on kavum rice can cause interference in the complex osteomeatal. When edema occurs in the complex osteomeatal, the opposite mucosa akan meet each other, so that silia difficult to move and mucus can not be flowed. Interference occurs then the drainage and ventilation of the sinus, so that silia become increasingly less active and mucus produced by sinus mucosa become more viscous. Accumulation secret this is a good medium for the growth of pathogenic bacteria. When these stople continue, there will be a hypoxia Retention and mucus, so that the bacterial infection arising anaerobe. Then going into network changes hypertrophy, polipoid or polyp and cyst formation.

- Odontogen
Infection or on the cusp abscess maxilla (M1, M2, M3, P1, and P2) can also flow to the sinus maxillary. Ten percent of the antrum maxillary infection caused by the disease from the root of a tooth. Dental granuloma, especially in the P2 and M1 cause acute sinusitis. In addition, tooth extraction can cause sinusitis maxillary, when the root of a tooth pushed into the sinus maxillary. For others the infection can be faring (pharyngitis, adenoiditis, tonsillitis), swimming and diving, mucosa bleeding and paranasal sinus barotrauma that may cause necrosis mucosa.

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