Dyspepsia enough doctors often found in running day-to-day profession. Gen. dyspepsia also vary from different any posts, this inequality is because of different terminology centers. Dyspepsia is a collection of symptoms such as pain complaints, feelings do not feel the top of the stomach is settled or episodic accompanied by complaints such as feeling full when eating, fast full, puffed, saltpeter, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, pain behind sternum (heart burn), regurgitate
Dyspepsia sometimes can be a sign of serious problems, such as a stomach illness ulkus worse. Not infrequently, dyspepsia caused by stomach cancer, so that must be addressed seriously. There are several important issues that must be observed when there is one sign of this, namely:
1. Age 50 years and over
2. Losing weight without intentional
3. Difficulty swallow
4. Sometimes nausea, vomiting
5. Defecate not smooth
6. Feeling full in the abdomen
Dyspepsia generally divided into two types, namely dyspepsia organic and dyspepsia nonorganik or dyspepsia functional. Organic Dyspepsia rarely found in the younger age, but many more found in the age of 40 years. Dyspepsia can dyspepsia called organic if it has been known clearly. Dyspepsia functional dyspepsia or non-organic, is dyspepsia that is not organic but the difference is the deviation from the food channel.
The dyspepsia two, namely:
1. Dyspepsia organic, if the deviation has been known as the organic cause. Organic syndrome dyspepsia there is a real difference to the organs such as injured side, twelve finger intestine, pancreas inflammation, inflammation bile, and others.
2. Dyspepsia nonorganik or dyspepsia functional, or dyspepsia nonulkus (DNU), when it is not clear. Dyspepsia functional without deviation or interruption of organs based on the structure of clinical, laboratory, Radiology, and the endoscope (telescope alimentary tract).
Another definition, dyspepsia is sore or not feeling comfortable at the top of the stomach or chest, which is often perceived as the gas, or feeling pain or feeling a burn in the stomach. Each person of different age can be affected dyspepsia, both men and women. Approximately one out of four people can be affected in some dyspepsia time.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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