Limfosit CD4 + is the main target of HIV infection because the virus has affinities against the surface of CD4 + molecule. CD4 + Limfosit coordinate the work of a number of important functions immunologist. Loss of function causes disruption of a progressive immune response.
ODHA in the body, the virus particles to join the DNA cell patients, so that once an HIV infection, a life he will remain infected. Of all the people infected with HIV, some developing AIDS in the entry stage 3 year, 50% developed into AIDS patients after 10 years, and after 13 years almost all the people infected with HIV show symptoms of AIDS, and then died. Travel disease shows a picture of chronic diseases, according to the body's immune system impairment is also staged. (Djoerban, 2006)
After entering the blood, HIV will entry in T4 (CD4 +), a part of the integral and infected cells will lead to cell death T4. When most of the T4 have been destroyed will disease symptoms develop. Major core protein with BM / molecular weight of 24,000 (p24), and 2 on the main glikoprotein membrane with BM. BM 41,000 and 120,000 (gp 41 and gp 120), becomes the basis for diagnosis serology's. Most patients infected with HIV can be detected in the circulation of the antibody against primary HIV antigen. HIV infection spread throughout the organ. Body may react in immunologist, and clinical consequences occur aberration, called acute HIV syndrome. This phase lasts relatively short. Virus and is in the latent or concealed, does not cause symptoms. Having the infection can only be known through laboratory testing, detected antibody that is specific to people with HIV in the blood. This phase can take 8-15 years. During this phase the virus continues to multiply in the patients body and in many cells, especially cells in the immune system. AIDS is the terminal phase of HIV infection that has lasted for many years, and any damage of the body immune system. (Rikyanto, 2006)
HIV infection does not immediately show signs or symptoms specific. Some do not show symptoms typical of acute HIV infection, 3-6 weeks after infection. Symptoms that occur are fever, sore swallow, lymph gland swelling, rash, diarrhea, or coughing. After acute infection, HIV infection asymptomatic immediately. The period without symptoms is usually run for 8-10 years. But there is a small group of people who travel it is very fast, can be only about 2 years, and there is also a slow way (non-progressor). (Djoerban, 2006)
During the trip natural HIV disease, people in general do not know that his contract HIV. HIV antibody testing laboratory is the easiest way to find out, and in this phase the virus is rarely found in comparison with the acute phase. But people still infectious or can potentially transmit the virus to others. After the acute phase, people with immune system back to normal and functioning normally, but the viruses multiply, the more immune system cells to become more visible and increase worse. Then people go to the next phase, called callback (Progressive Generalized Lymphadenopathy). In the recent phase limfe gland enlargement occurs, especially in the head and neck. Size gland may swell and wane, and generally take a long time. After the phase of incoming calls phase ARC (AIDS Related Complex). (Rikyanto, 2006)
Phase ARC is a deviation from the set of symptoms that precede clinical AIDS. At this phase aberration body immune system has been significantly decreased. Three prominent clinical symptom is chronic fever, diarrhea chronicles (slim diarrhea). May also be accompanied with opportunist infections, which is the main indicator of AIDS, especially Candidiasis. Element end AIDS diagnostic phase often change the criteria. AIDS is the final phase of HIV infection is marked with various opportunist infections. Direct effect of HIV on organ damage include central nervous system, gut, forming elements of the blood, kidneys, joints and skin. Aberration in the third ARC also caused direct effects of HIV, AIDS on the more serious look. Often happens is that people appear to be fast, old, gray, wrinkled skin, and so forth. (Rikyanto, 2006)
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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