Pulmo CPOD 3: Handling

Preventing smoking habits, prevent infection and avoid air pollution.

- Antibiotics, because in the case exacerbate is usually accompanied by acute infection. Options for the infection is common ampisillin 4 X 0,25-0,5 grams / day or either erythromycin 4 X 0.5 grams / day considering it is often Haemophiliac influenza and S. Pneumonia. If bacteria cause the enzyme to produce β-laktamase (Haemophilia's influenza and Branhamella catarrhalis) then used augmentin (amoxicillin and klavulanat acid)
- Giving antibiotics such as kotrimoksasol amoksisilin or doksisiklin in patients who experienced acute exacerbate can speed healing and help accelerate the increase in peak flow rate. But only in 7-10 days during the period exacerbate. When there is secondary infection or signs of pneumonia, the giving a stronger antibiotic.
- Therapy oxygen given if there is respiratory failure due hiperkapnia and less sensitivity to CO2
- Physiotherapy patients to help in removing the phlegm / sputum well.
- Bronkodilator to overcome the way the breath obstructs including the β adrenergik and antikolinergik. In the patients can be given salbutamol 5mg or ipratopium bromide 250μg provided every 6 hours with nebulizer or aminofilin 0,25-0,5 gram iv slowly.
- In the long-term chemotherapy given antibiotics as a preventive efforts such as ampisilin 4 X 0,25-0,5 grams / day.
- In the long-term therapy, bronkodilator awarded based on the level of road reversiberilas obstructs breath each patient, so that the examination be done before function need deed tuberculosis.

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