According to Adams, 1997 sinusitis complications include:
Complications Intrakranial
a. Acute meningitis
Para nasal sinus infection from land spread throughout the vena channel or directly from the adjacent sinus, such as through the posterior wall of sinus frontalis or through the lamina kribiformis near the air cell system ethmoidalis.
b. Abscess dura
Is a collection of pus between the dura and tabula Interna kranium, and often follow sinusitis frontalis. This process is so slow arise only patients complain of pain, and pus collected before cause able intrakranial adequate pressure, there may be no interference neurology others. Abscess subdural collection of pus between the durameter and arakhnoid. Symptoms arising abscess almost similar to the dura.
c. Abscess brain
After the vena system in mukoperiosteum sinus infection, then the expansion can occur metastatic the hematogen into the brain.
Complications Orbital
a. Inflammation or a reaction to mild edema
Occur due to the content of the orbital sinus infection ethmoidalis nearby.
b. Selulitis orbital
Edema is diffuse and bacteria have been actively invased fill orbital pus but not yet been formed.
c. Abscess subperiosteal
Pus collected between the wall and periorbita bone orbital cause proptosis and kemosis.
d. Abscess orbital
At this stage, pus was periosteum penetrate and mix with the contents orbital. This stage, along with the rest of the symptoms of optic neuritis and unilateral blindness of more seriously. The limited movement of the muscles ekstraokuler fell ill and kemosis conjunctiva is a trademark abses orbita, which also increasingly proptosis.
e. Thrombosis sinus cavernous
This complication is due to the spread of bacteria through the channel into the vena sine cavernous which form a further tromboflebitis septic. The patognomik, thrombosis sinus cavernous consists of oftalmoplegia, kemosis conjunctiva, the weight of vision disturbances, weakness of the patient, and signs of meningitis due to sinus cavernous a location close to the nerve cranial 2,3,4, and 6, and also with the adjacent brain .
Is a cyst containing mucus arising in the sinus. Cyst is most commonly found in the sinus maxillary, often referred to as the cyst mucus Retention and usually not dangerous. In the sinus frontalis, ethmoidalis, and sfenoidalis cyst can swell and scrape through atrophy pressure surrounding structures. So that the cyst can be manifestation as swelling on the forehead or fenestra nasalise and can move to the lateral eyes. In sfenoidalis sinus, cyst may cause diplopia and disturbances of vision with a near nerve.
Osteomielitis and Abses Subperiosteal
The cause tersering osteomielitis and abscess in subperiosteal bone infection sinus frontalis is frontalis. Systemic symptoms such as malaise, fever, and shivering.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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