Asthma is also known as reactive air way disease (RAD), is a disease obstructs in the way of the breath reversible marked with bronchospasme, inflamasi and increased road sekresi Stimulation of various breath.
The division of asthma in children.
1. Asthma episode is rare.
Usually there is on children aged 3 - 8 years. Attacks generally cause virus infection by the top line of breath. A large number of 3 - 4 times in 1 year. The length can be several days of attacks, the attacks are rarely serious.
Symptoms that occur more prominent at night. Mengi may take less than 3-4 days, cough currently can take 10 - 14 days. Other allergic manifestations such as eczema is rarely found in this group. Flower children usually grow better, not found outside of attack deviation. Time remisi many weeks to many months. This group is 70 - 75% of childhood asthma population.
2. Episode of asthma.
In the 2 / 3 is the first attack occurred before the age of 3 years. At the beginning, the attack of infection associated with acute breath channel. At the age of 5 - 6 years of attacks can occur without a clear infection. Usually parents connect with the air, the allergen, physical activity and stress. Many are not clear cause. Frequency of 3 - 4 times in 1 year, each of several days to several weeks. The high frequency of attacks at the age of 8 - 13 years. Pad the information is sometimes difficult to be distinguished with the chronicles or persistent asthma. Symptoms most commonly occur on the ugly night with a cough and mengi can that disrupt sleep. Physical examination in the attack outside the frequency depending on the attack. When the attack more than 1 - 2 weeks, usually not found physical aberration. Hay Fever can be found in the chronicles or persistent asthma. Disorders of growth rarely occurs. This group is 2-0% of children in the asthma population.
3. Or persistent asthma chronicles.
At the 25% children in this group's first attack occurred before age 6 months, 75% before age 3 years. In the more 50% of children there is mengi old on the first two years, and 50% of the remaining attack episodic. At the age of 5 - 6 years will be more of a clear channel obstructs breath that persistent and almost always there every day mengi; night disturbed by coughing and mengi. Physical activity often cause mengi. Time from time to occur attack a heavy and often require hospital treatment.
There is also a rare experience heavy attack, only a little crowded and mengi every time. Usually after the handlers get children and parents aware of the new asthma in children and the problem. Obstructs way to reach summit breath at the age of 8 - 14 years, then change occurs, is usually improvement. In the young adult age group is 50% still suffer frequent or persistent asthma. Rarely a truly free mengi in the young adult age. On physical examination is often normal; changes can occur such as chest shape thorax birds (Pigeon Chest), and there is a Barrel Chest sulkus Harison. On the disruption this may occur growth, well small. Less of ability physical activity, often can not do sports and other activities. Also often do not go to school to learn subject to achievement. Some have little experience psykosocial disruption.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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