According Isselbacher et al. (2000), including the factors failed to spark the heart is:
a. Embolism tuberculosis.
Embolism tuberculosis can be derived from increasing further pulmonalis arterial pressure, which otherwise can lead to or strengthen ventricle failure.
b. Anemia.
In the anemia, a network that needs oxygen to metabolism can be met only by increasing the heart of rainfall, although the increase in rainfall, such as the heart can be maintained by normal heart, but the heart of the sick, the excess burden compensation but still, can not increase the volume of blood that flowed to enough to perifer. At this situation, a combination of anemia and heart disease can cause a previously compensation oxygen delivery is not sufficient to trigger perifer and heart failure.
c. Tirotoksikosis and pregnancy.
On tirotoksis and pregnancy, perfused network requires an adequate increase in heart rainfall. Development or intensification heart failure may actually represent one of appear clinical hyperthyroidism in patients with heart disease who may still underlie previous compensation. Similarly, heart failure is not rare during the first pregnancy in women with rheumatic valve disease, the heart can be compensated after birth.
d. Aritmia.
In the patients with the disease compensation, aritmia is a cause of heart failure triggered the most often. Aritmia cause with the effect that a number of reasons:
1) Takiaritmia reduce the period of time available for charging ventricle.
2) The separation between the atrium and contraction ventricle unique in many aritmia mechanism causing the loss of pump brace atrium, thereby increasing pressure atrium.
3) On aritmia together with abnormalities conduction intraventrikel, miokard ability can be more disturbed because of loss of harmony kontrakasi ventricle the normal.
4) Bradikardi real atrioventrikel complete with block or other bradiaritmia heavy rainfall will reduce the volume of the heart except up loadincreases, this response compensation can not occur in disfungsi serious miokard even in the heart of the situation without fail.
e. Rheumatic and miokarditis form.
Acute rheumatic fever and some infection or inflammation process that can disrupt the miokard function miokard in patients with or without previous heart disease.
f. Endokarditis infective.
Additional valve damage, anemia, fever and miokarditis that often appear as a result endokarditis infective can, alone or together, failed to trigger the heart.
g. Fisis burden, food, fluids, environmental and emotional overcharging.
Feed the addition of sodium, the heart fails to halt drug that is not right, blood transfusion, fisis activity that is too heavy, humidity or excessive heat environment and emotional crisis can trigger heart failure in patients with previous heart disease that can still be compensation.
h. Systemic hypertension.
Increased arterial pressure is fast, as happened in some of hypertension comes from the kidneys or the termination of antihipertensi drugs, can cause heart dekompensasi.
i. Infark miokard.
In the patients with heart disease but iskemik chronicles compensation, besides there is no clinical symptoms (quiet), sometimes that happens infark can disrupt the function of more ventricle and trigger heart failure.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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