eye: 9

Injury because Rays
Kinds of causes of injury due to radiotherapy:

ultraviolet rays
Ie rays with wavelength 300 ± milimikron, akan resorpsi on the front layer of cornea. Lakrimasi common complaint, as there is sand, blefarospasme, which arise after 12 - 36 hours post-exposure. This occurred in las workers, and screening. Give a local anesthesia such as pantokain ago to do a more thorough examination, and give atropin sulphate, and antibiotics to prevent secondary infection.

infrared rays
Ie rays with wavelength> 800 milimikron, causing nerve damage in makula lutea accompanied by shifting pigment. This will lead to a decrease visus.

rays and radioactive rays
Cataracts occurred after several months or several years later, with the necessary protection to reduce the effect of Pb radiation.

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