There are several things that caused the emergence dyspepsia, the excess expenditure sour stomach, stomach wall of defense that is weak, the infection of Helicobacter pylori (a kind of bacteria that live in the stomach in a number of smaller, movement alimentary tract disturbances, and psychological stress
Often, dyspepsia caused by ulkus stomach or acid reflux disease. If you have acid reflux disease, acid stomach pushed up towards esophagus (channel muscular membranous that extends from faring in the stomach). This causes pain in the chest. Some drugs, such as anti-inflammatory drugs, can cause dyspepsia. Dyspepsia sometimes it can not be found.
The cause dyspepsia in detail are:
1. Gulp air (aerofagi)
2. Regurgitate (alir back, reflux) acid from the stomach
3. Stomach irritation (gastritis)
4. Ulkus gastrikum or ulkus duodenalis
5. Stomach cancer
6. Gall bladder inflammation (kolesistitis)
7. Lactose intolerance (the inability digested milk and products)
8. Deviation bowel movement
9. Psychological stress, fear, or depression
10. Helicobacter infection pylori
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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