Clinical manifestations
Clinical manifestation of HIV infection in the general form of infection and tumor on the normal condition controlled by immune system. The average person that a new HIV-infected do not show symptoms of AIDS. Acute HIV syndrome is often called the disease serokonversi because it is a phase of the person who does not have any antibody has a specific antibody against HIV this phase lasts 2 or 3 weeks, and then recover. Person with antibody against HIV. At this phase arise sudden fever, limfe gland enlargement, skin rash occur in the mouth and sometimes on the genital tool, often and with the gastrointestinal form of aberration anorexia Nausea, vomitus, and diarrhea. In addition ulserasi also found in the mouth inflamasi faring so sick seirng accompanied swallow. Not infrequently accompanied by symptoms of meningitis or encephalitis, fatigue, and depression letalergy which can take several weeks to months. At the beginning of this phase may be found of opportunist infections, especially candidiasis (thrush). (Rikyanto, 2006)
Along with the body's immune worsen, ODHA start symptoms appeared due to infection opportunistic, such as body weight is decreased, long fever, feeling weak, lymph gland enlargement, diarrhea, tuberculosis, fungus infection, herpes, etc.. (Djoerban, 2006)
According Soedarmo, 2002, the symptoms that arise from the infection of HIV / AIDS:
Non-Specific Symptoms (prodormal) HIV infection
- Fever
- Disturbance of growth
- Weight loss (10% or more)
- Hepatomegali
- Limfadenopati (diameter more than 0.5 cm in 2 places or more)
- Splenomegali
- Parotitis
- Diarrhea
Specific symptoms of HIV infection
1. Interference to grow flowers and intellectual function.
2. Interference brain growth
3. The progressive deficit motorist marked by 2 or more symptoms, paresis, the abnormal muscle tonus, reflex patologis, ataxia, or interference step.
4. Lymphoid interstitial pneumonitis (LIP)
5. Secondary infection, which consists of:
- Infections such as opportunistic by Pneumicystis carinii pneumonia, kandidiasis, cryptococcus infection, infection mikobakteria the atipik.
- Secondary infections by Streptococcus pneumonia, Haemophilia's influenza, Neisseria meningitides, Salmonella enteritidis, which cause sepsis, meningitis, pneumonia, and organ abses Internal.
- A heavy virus infection and recurrent, herpes stomatitis and chronicles the recurring, or herpes zoster multidermatomal knowledgeable.
6. Limfoma secondary malignancy such as primary central nervous system, Hodgkin's B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, sarcoma Kaposi (generally in adults)
7. Certain other diseases such as heart failure with kardiomiopati or aritmia, some deviation hematologic (anemia and trombositopenia), glomerulo-nefropati, such as eczema skin aberration, seborrhoea, molluscum contagious a heavy and long run.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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