Clinical symptoms
Incubation period ranges from 14-24 days, with a peak on the day to 17-18. Starting with the stadium prodormal, ever one to two days with symptoms of fever, anorexia, and headache, vomiting and muscle pains (especially neck area). In the children, a manifestation prodormal rare. Usually the body temperature rose to 38.5 0C - 39.5 0C, and then arise parotis gland swelling (the zygoma; mandibula back in front of the mastoid), which initially unilateral but can then be bilateral.
Swelling was felt pain on both spontaneous and palpability, all the more so when people eat or drink something sour; this is a typical symptom for the disease parotitis epidemic. Swollen parotis typical; initially fill the cavity between the posterior edge mandibula and mastoid, and then extends in a catenary curve down and to the future, is limited by the zygoma. Edema skin and network software is usually more extensive and obscure boundaries swollen gland, so that swollen be easier than with a view palpasi.1, 2.3
Swollen can progress so quickly, reaching a maximum in a few hours, though usually having peak in 1-3 days. Swollen network to encourage lobus ear up and out, and the angle mandibula no longer can be seen. Swollen slowly disappear in 3-7 days, but sometimes longer end. One gland parotis tumefy usually a day or two days before the other, but common swollen limited to one gland.
In the tropics, the skin appears red brown, painful on pressure, the bottom leaves up to the top of the ear. Sometimes accompanied by trismus, disfagia, muscle pain, especially neck, headaches and feeling lethargic. In the mouth cavity in the mouth ducts stenson visible redness and edema. Gland swelling lasted 3 days and then collapse. Sometimes the gland submandibularis and sublingualis can also fall under.
Swollen and redness around the hole Stensen channel can occur. Edema faring and palatum mole homolateral accompany swollen parotis and medial to move tonsil. Edema at the top of the manubrium and the top of the chest wall may occur due to stoppage lymphatic. Swollen parotis usually are accompanied by fever; norm al temperatures prevalent (20%), but the temperature of 400C (1040F) or more rare.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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