Clinical manifestations
4 types dyspepsia based on the symptoms of the most dominant
1. Dyspepsia type reflux the burnt taste of the epigastrium, chest, or with symptoms regurgitate sour feeling in the mouth.
2. Dyspepsia type dismotilitas the pain epigastrium pain that increases after eating, accompanied kembung, quickly satisfied, feeling full after meals, nausea or vomiting, belch and a lot of flatus.
3. Dyspepsia type ulkus the pain of epigastrium calm when eating or drinking antacid and pain usually occur before the middle of the night and eat.
4. Dyspepsia non-specific, namely dyspepsia that can not be classified in one category above.
If dyspepsia lived for more than a few weeks, or does not give response to treatment, or accompanied by a decrease in body weight or other symptoms that are not normal, the patient must undergo examination.
Checking for handling dyspepsia divided several sections, namely:
1. Laboratory examination is usually involves calculating the type of blood cell and a full examination of blood in feces, and urine. From the results of the examination if the blood found lekositosis means that signs of infection. In the feces examination, if the liquid looks slimy or has a lot of fat means that the likelihood of suffering malabsorpsi. A person suspected of suffering dyspepsia tukak, stomach acid should be checked 8. Carcinoma in the alimentary tract should be examined tumor indication, for example, allegations carcinoma kolon need to be examined CEA, allegations carcinoma pancreas need to be examined CA 19-9.
2. Barium enema to check the esophagus, stomach or small intestine can be performed on people who have difficulty swallow or vomiting, a decrease in body weight or experiencing a painful or significantly worsened when people eat.
3. Endoscope can be used to check the esophagus, stomach or small intestine and to obtain biopsy samples for the network layer of the stomach. Examples are then examined under the microscope to see if stomach infected by Helicobacter pylori. Endoscopic examination is the gold standard, other than as a diagnostic as well as therapeutic. Examination that can be done with endoscopy are:
a. Clo (rapid urea test)
b. Pathological anatomy (PA)
c. Kultur mikroorgsanisme (MO) network
d. PCR (polymerase chain reaction), only in the framework of research
4. Supplementary examination includes examination Radiology, which is in contrast with OMD ganda, serologi Helicobacter pylori and urea breath test (not yet available in Indonesia). Radiologist examination carried out on the top of the food channel and should contrast with the ganda. On reflux gastroesofageal will appear in the peristaltic esofagus who decreased especially in the distal part, it appears anti-peristaltic escalate in the antrum and often close pilorus, so little barium into intestine (Hadi, 2002). On tukak both in the stomach, duodenum and in the visible image will called niche, which is a crater from which tukak filled contrast media. Niche of the form of a tame tukak generally regular, semicircular, with basic grass less (Vilano et al, cit Hadi, 2002). Stomach cancer in the radiologist, will appears that mass ireguler peristaltic not visible in the area of cancer, the form of stomach changes (Shirakabe cit Hadi, 2002). Pankreatitis acute need to be made plain photo abdomen, which will be visible signs such as cutting large intestine (colon cut off sign), or appear dilatasi of intestin especially in the jejunum called sentinel loops.
5. Sometimes the examination is done, such as the measurement of contraction throat or esophagus response to acid.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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