E. Diagnosis
Hypertension diagnosis can not be found in a one-time measurement, can only be determined after two or more measurements at different visits, unless there is a high rise or clinical symptoms. Blood pressure measurements made in the patient sit back, after a rest for 5 minutes, with the size of the corresponding wrapper arm (arm cover 80%). Tensimeter with mercury is still considered the best gauge.
Anamnesis made include the level and duration suffer hypertension, history and symptoms of diseases that are associated such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, disease serebrovaskular, and other. Is there a family history of disease, symptoms related to the causes of hypertension, changes in activity or behavior such as smoking, consumption of food, history of drugs-free, results and side effects antihipertensi previous therapy when there is, and psychosocial factors, environment (family, employment, etc.).
In physical examination the blood pressure measurement is done twice or more the distance with 2 minutes and then checked back on the arm contra lateral. Comparison examined high body weight and body. Then funduskopi examination conducted to determine the retinopati hypertensive, neck examinations to look for noisy carotid, vein enlargement, or tiroid gland. Search signs rhythm disturbances and heart rate, enlargement size, noisy, clop, and the sound of heart-to-3 or to 4. Lung examined to find ronkhi and bronkhospasme. Abdomen examination is conducted to find the mass, kidney enlargement, and the abnormal pulses aorta. Can be found at the extremity pulses arterial perifer that disappears, edema, and noisy. There also needs to be done neurology examination. See also Classification changes JNC VI Blood Pressure (1997) to the JNC VII (2003)
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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