A. Reaction ANAFILAKSI light

1. adrenalin 1: 1000 0.01 cc / kg BB maximal 0.5 cc IM
2. give anti-histamine:
- Difenhidramin (deladril) 2mg/kg BB IM / IV or 5mg/kg BB/24jam Oral
- CTM 0.2 mg / kgBB IM / IV or 0.35 mg/kg BB/24jam Oral
- Prometasin 0.5 mg / kg BB IM / IV or 0.5 mg/kg BB/24jam Oral

B. Reaction ANAFILAKSI Weight

Phase I
1. position SNIFFING
2. adrenalin 1: 1000 0.01 cc / 0.5 cc kg BB maximal IM back 20 minutes, a total of 3 times
3. when antigen in the extremities entrance, install a bandage on the proximal.
Inject 0,1-0,2 cc adrenalin 1:1000 antigen around the entrance. Wait a moment # bandage new release.
4. give oxygen
5. give antihistamine (see doses above)
6. watched TTV
Phase II
1. infuse RL / drops with fast
2. hidrokortison 7mg/kg BB give IV drugs or the equivalent with
3. when there is bronkokonstriksi: aminophilin 3-4mg/kg BB IV slowly after diluted with D5% / NaCl 1:2 comparison with physiological
4. TD remains low when given IV 10-20cc/kg BB plasma or plasma volume expander Metaraminol Bitartate (Aramine) 0.4 mg / kgBB IV drip
Phase III
1. acidosis metabolic: Na Bicarbonate 7.5%
2. aritmia (watching the EKG)
3. strain because hypoxia: diazepam 0.5 mg / kgBB IV or IM luminal 30-75mg/kgBB
4. when there is a way obstruction pairs of breath due to edema ET


Paracetamol: 10mg/kg BB
Diazepam: ½ X BB
Luminal: 2 X BB
Dexametason: ½ kg ampule/10

Giving Children INFUSE drops (liquids that enter: = ½ BB X100 --- cc)

BB less than 6 kg (micro), the number of drops: 10 X = BB --- TTU / mnt
BB more than 6 kg (macro), the number of drops: 3 X BB = --- TTU / min

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