Failure is the heart is the most common complications of all types of heart disease and acquired congenital. Physiological mechanisms that cause heart failure include conditions that increase the initial load, the load end, or lower contraktilitas miokardium. Conditions that increase the burden of early regurgitate include aorta and ventricle septum defect, and increased burden on the end of the situation occurs where the aorta stenosis and systemic hypertension. Contraktilitas miokardium can decrease the infark miokardium dam kardiomiopati.
Failed heart is divided into:
1. Failed left heart
2. Failed right heart
3. Failed heart congestive
Can occur because of interference:
Disfungsi systolic
a. Interference contraction
Infark miokard, iskemia miokard, kardiomiopati dilatasi, volume overload, mitral insufficiency, insufficiency aorta.
b. Overload pressure
Hypertension, aorta stenosis
Disfungsi diastolic
a. Relaxation interference ventricle (active) for AMI
b. Ventricle wall stiffness (passive) because hypertrophy ventricle left
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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