Melasma does not cause symptoms in addition to changes in skin color but the big problem may be cosmetic.
Melasma usually attack the women, only 1 out of 20 suffered by men. Melasma generally occur between ages 30 to 40 years. Melasma occurs in many people with darker skin.
Lesi melasma be a young makula brown or dark brown, with a boundary edge is not strictly regular. Lesi on dermal type melasma colored grayish or bluish. Predileksi often on the cheek and nose, called the fact pattern. Pattern found in the mandibular chin. While the pattern sentrofasial about the temple, forehead, eyebrow and top lip. A pattern that is rarely found on the border with arms which looks down on women who use progesterone and native American Indian.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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