Diabetes mellitus is juveniles the manifests diabetes mellitus before age 15 years; therefore have a more fun use the term juvenile ONSET Diabetes.
Diabetes mellitus type 1 is one of the types of chronic diseases in children is caused by a lack of insulin due to the amount of damage to the pancreas beta cells produce insulin.
Diabetes mellitus type I is one of the two main types of diabetes mellitus, marked with symptoms of sudden ONSET, insulinopenia, and dependence on insulin eksogen to extend life; ONSET peak age is 12 years old, although ONSET can at any age. This is due to lack of insulin production by beta pancreas, which can be derived from viral infection, autoimmune reaction, and may be genetic factors, islet cell antibody can usually be detected at diagnosis. When inadequate control, lack of insulin causes hiperglikemik, protein solutions, and the production of substances that cause keton increase fat metabolism, and hiperglikemia cause gkukosuria excess flow, diuresis osmotik, hiperosmolaritas, dehydration and ketoasidosis diabetik. This is accompanied by the angiopati on the blood vessel, especially a small (microangiopathy) that the retina, kidneys and membrane basemen arteriol to the entire body. Other symptoms include poliuria, polidipsia, polifagia, lose weight, parestesia, the view that vague, and iritabilitas; if not, continue to be ketoasidosis diabetik Nausea and vomiting, stupor, coma, and potentially fatal hiperosmolar. Is also called insulin-dependent d. mellitus, juvenile or juvenile-ONSET d. mellitus, type I and d. mellitus.
Diabetes mellitus type 1 - first called insulin-dependent diabetes (IDDM, insulin-dependent insulin "), or diabetic children, characterized by loss of beta cells produce insulin in the islands Langerhans pancreas so that the lack of insulin occurs in the body. This type of diabetes can be suffered by children and adults. (3)
Diabetes mellitus type I with marked insulinopenia and heavy dependence on eksogen insulin to prevent ketosis and to stay alive; therefore diabetes is also called diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent (diabetes mellitus insulin-dependent (IDDM)). Historical natural this disease indicates that there is no phase-insulin-dependent, praketotik, both before and after the initial diagnosis. While there, especially starting at the children, the disease can occur at any time in ages. Therefore, terms such as juvenile diabetes, diabetes tends to ketosis, and insulin must be replaced brittle diabetes type I or IDDM. Diabetes type I is clearly different because the relationship with histokompatibilitas antigen (HLA); the antibody against sitoplasma components and cell-surface component of the cell islands in the circulation; antibody against insulin in the absence of expose against eksogen previous insulin injection; antibody against dekarboksilase acid glutamate (glutamate acid decarboxylase (GAD)), the enzyme acid change glutamat clabber aminobutirat gamma (gamma aminobutyric acid (GABA)), found excessive inervasi on the island of pancreas; infiltration limfosit island early in the disease and other diseases autoimmune. With some exceptions, in the diabetic child is insulin-dependent and in category type I.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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