Diabetes Melitus(DM) according to the American Diabetes Association (ADA) in 2005, is a group of diseases characterized metabolic with hyperglycemia happens because sekresi aberration insulin, insulin work or both.
Hyperglycemia chronicles on diabetes-related long-term damage, disfungsi, and failure of various organs, especially eyes, kidneys, nerves, heart and blood vessel.
According to the WHO in 1980, DM is a set of muscle problems and the chemical, which is a result of a number of factors which gained deficiency relative or absolute insulin and insulin function disturbances, in particular family, related to the aterosklerosis quickened, and is predisposisi for the occurrence of aberration, such as specific mikrovaskuler retinopati, nefropati.
Diabetes is a syndrome melitus energy homeostasis disruption caused by insulin or deficiency by deficiency work and lead to carbohydrate metabolism, protein and fat is not normal. This is an aberration metabolic-interference endocrine the children and teenagers the most prevalent with important consequences on the physical and emotional development.
metabolism, protein and fat due to lack sekresi insulin or insulin resistance in the network. This occurs in the form of a main type 1 d. mellitus and type 2 d. mellitus, different things in the cause, pathology, genetic, age ONSET, and handling.
Diabetes mellitus is a disease that causes interference metabolic carbohydrate metabolism, fat, protein and as a result of the lack of effective insulin.
Diabetes mellitus, diabetes or diabetes is a chronic disturbance of metabolism, especially concerning glucose in the body. However, the metabolism of fat and protein is also subject to (Lat. = continuance diabetes, mellitus = honey sweet).
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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