Special forms
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis
Epidermodysplasia verruciformis is inherited disorder in which there are subtle defect-mediated immunity by cells and is an area of HPV infection and persistent. Lesion is very diverse forms, can be flat, resembling verruca lesions, macular hyperpigmentation, red, or atrophy, or plaque-like Pityriasis versicolor. Flat form and which resemble lesions frequently located in verruca extremities and face and a thicker plaque can mimic seboroik Keratosis. Lesions found to contain many types of HPV that cause verruca including Plana, but some types that do not cause disease in normal individuals. There is a risk of developing into squamous cell carcinoma of the skin exposed to the sun (sun-exposed).
Bowenoid papulosis
Also known as intraepitelial neoplasms of the vulva, penis, and anal (NIV, NIP, NIA). Bowenoid papulosis appears as a small papul, usually multiple, sometimes located on the surface of pigmented mucosa and skin in the anogenital region of both sexes. Usually found in young adults but no association of age and there is a strong relationship with HPV type 16 infection.
Focal epithelial hyperplasia
Also known as Heck's disease, is a rare benign lesions, which reduced noise without gender predisposition. Lesions characteristic of multiple noduler firmly bounded on the oral mucosa. The disease is usually found in native Americans and the Inuit in Greenland, is reported rarely found in other countries. HPV types 13 and 32 as an agent cause in patients with genetic predisposition.
Epithelioma carcinoma cuniculatum and verukosa
Epitelioma kunikulatum a squamous cell carcinoma appears as mass with a smooth consistency bulbus software on your feet. Multiple sinus open to the surface and when pressed, the lesions become like a giant plantar verruca, but the difference between rapid growth and local invasion.
Verukosa carcinoma developed in the cavum of oral and genital mucosal lesions, and look like cauliflower.
Verruca diagnosis is established based on clinical examination but can also be supported by the histological picture of epidermal acanthuses with papillomatosis, hiperkeratosis, and parakeratosis with a protrusion and grooves in the middle of verruca. Dermis capillaries protruding and blood clot blockage. There are a wide keratinocytes with eccentric piknosis cell nucleus surrounded by a halo perinuklear (koilosit is characteristic of papilloma associated with HPV). HPV-infected cells had few granules and a lump of eosinophils keratohialin basofilik granules. Verruca Plana acanthuses only slightly and does not occur hiperkeratosis and parakeratosis or papillomatosis.
Characterization of HPV is very little done, but useful in some cases of genital verruca in children with suspected sexual abuse. Knowledge of the genotype of HPV in benign verruca therapy does not affect the election.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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