Clinical manifestationClinical manifestation of diabetes mellitus is associated with the consequences metabolic deficiency insulin. Patients who have insulin deficient can not maintain the fasting plasma glucose level is normal, or glucose tolerance after carbohydrate meals. If hiperglikemy severe kidney and exceed the threshold, then glukosuria arise. Glukosuria this will lead to diuresis osmotic the expenditure increase urine (poliuria) and emerged feeling thirsty (polidipsia). Because glucose lost with urine, the patient experienced a negative calorie balance and body weight decreased. Hunger is the greater (polifagia) will may arise as a result of the loss of calories. Patients complain tired and nod.
Purulent skin infections and vaginitis in girls monilia teens sometimes arise at the time of diabetes diagnosis. This infection is a rare clinical manifestation of diabetes only in children, and a thorough history will always show the poliuria and polidipsia. Ketoasidosis often cause some early (around 25%) diabetic children. Initial manifestation may be relatively minor and consist of vomiting, dehydration and poliuria. In the case of longer and heavier, the Kussmaul breathing, and no smell aseton on brething. Stomach pain or stiffness can have and can resemble appendicitis or pankreatitis. There was a bluntness brain and eventually coma. Laboratory findings, including glukosuria, ketonuria, hiperglikemia, ketonemia, and asidosis metabolik. Leukositosis is prevalent, and amilase can increase serum nonspecific; serum lipase is usually not increased. On those with the stomach aches, pain can not be assumed that the findings of this evidence is the need for emergency surgery before the therapy fluid, electrolyte, insulin has been tried according to correct dehydration and acidosis; manifestation stomach often lost after a few hours in treatment.
After starting the insulin therapy, type I diabetics may experience ketoasidosis if they pass a one-time inject insulin due to stress or infection, accident or serious illn
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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