Diagnosis Letter
Diagnosis parotitis include this appeal because, like a virus infection on the virus infection including human imunodefisiensi (HIV), influenza, parainfluenza 1 and 3, siotmegalo virus, or circumstances koksakivirus A rare, and infection koriomeningitis limfositik. Infection-infection can be distinguished with a specific laboratory test; parotitis supuratif, where pus can often excluded from duktus; Parotitis Repeat, a situation that is not yet known, but may be allergic to the often repeated and has the typical sialogram; calculus Salivarius clog the channel parotis , or more often a channel submandibuler, where swollen intermiten; Limfadenitis Preaurikuler or servical Anterior because any reason; limfosarkoma or tumor parotis other jarang.
New patients can be treated if the road: no complications, the common good enough. Rest in bed during the summer and pembengkakkan gland parotis. Tirah lie should be arranged according to patient needs, but there is no statistical evidence that indicates that this lie tirah prevent komplikasi.
Parotitis treatment is entirely simptomatik. Simptomatik given hot or cold compress, and also given analgetika. Medikamentosa painkillers and antipiretik given only if necessary, metampiron: children> 6 years: 250 500 mg / time, maximum 2 g / day and paracetamol: 7.5 - 10 mg / kg BB / 3 times a 4dd dd. Give diet liquid or soft food, diet must be tailored to the patient able to chew .
Orkitis should be treated with the support of local and lie. Arthritis parotitis can respond to 2 weeks of anti-inflammation agents kortikosteroid or nonsteroid. Corticosteroid for 2 - 4 days and estimated gamma globulin can prevent occurrence orkitis.
Patients with high fever, general weakness condition, severe head pain, need to be treated in isolation space. Give diet TKTP, medikamentosa and handling of complications, depending on the type.
- General situation, the main sign
- Intake of food and liquids.
- Likelihood of occurrence of complications:
swelling testis.
stomach aches.
When people expressed recover :
- Symptoms and signs are missing
- Complications have or have not healed.
Parotitis hiperimun gamma globulin is not effective in preventing parotitis or reduce complicate.
Routine delivery of a live vaccine parotitis weakened. Vaccines given in subkutan in children 15 months. Vaccinated children who do not usually have a fever or other clinical reactions that can be detected, not ekskretion virus, and does not spread to contact the vulnerable. Rarely parotitis may develop 7-10 days after vaccination. Vaccines stimulate antibody efficacy and have approximately 97% protection against infection parotitis natural.
The immunity and the old can be given along with measles and rubella vaccine. Can be given to adolescents and adults who have contact patients with parotitis epidemic but had never suffered from the disease.
Parotitis has a good prognosis, especially when the handling right and not going complicate.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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