asma 4

 threatening disturbances in the balance of acid and basa failed breath
 Chronic persistent bronchitis
 Bronchiolitis
 pneumonia
 emphysema.

 extrinsic factor: antigen-antibody reaction; allergen because inhalation (dust, pollen, dust, feathers, fur).
 intrinsic factor; infection: the influenza virus, pneumonia, Mycoplasma .. Then from the physical; cold weather, changes in temperature. Irritant; kimia. Polusi air (CO, cigarette smoke, perfume). Emotional; afraid, anxious, and tense. Excessive activity can also be factors fuse.

Clinical manifestation
 Auscultate: Wheezing, dry ronki musical, ronki are wet.
 Dyspnea with long ekspirasi; the use of muscle-muscle respiratory accessories, nostril, retraksi chest, and stridor.
 Coughing dry (not productive) because sekret thick and lumen narrow roads breath.
 Tachypnea, orthopnea.
 Diaphoresis
 because terlibatnya abdomen pain abdomen in the respiratory muscles.
 Fatigue.
 No tolerance to the activity, eating, playing, walking, even talking.
 worries, unstable and changes the level of awareness.
 Increasing the size of anteroposterior diameter (barrel chest) due to the difficult ekshalasi because udem bronkus so if diperkusi hipersonor.
 attacks that suddenly or gradually.
 When the onslaught: anxiety, sweating, may sianosis.
 chest X image: atelektasis spread, "Hyperserated"

Diagnostic examination
 History of disease and physical examination
 Photo rays
 Checking function tuberculosis; decreased tidal volume, vital capacity, eosinofil usually increased in blood and sputum
 Checking allergic
 Pulse oximetri
 blood gas analysis.

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