Dermatitis 4

To diagnose dermatitis numularis based on the description klinis:

D. For Numularis:
not known. Only explore the causes of infection / broadcaster through culture.
Predileksi: on the back foot, back hand, extensors the extremity, buttocks and shoulder.
Efloresensi: makula eritematosa, numular to the size of the bill, sometimes hiperpigmentasi, likenifikasi rigid boundary of a coin.

D. For contact:
allergen / sensitizers, be with the examination of blood eosinofil edge, IgE, test (patch test), stroke (scrat test), pin (prick test)
Predileksi: all parts of the body can be affected.
Efloresensi: eritema numular, until the bill, papula, vesicle, accompanied by erosion numular groups up to poster. Sometimes only makula hiperpigmentasi fine with squama

D. Atopik
For: possible factors offspring. Historical atopi. Asetilkolin be the test that will vasokonstriksi on the skin that appear pale line for 1 hour.
1. the form of a baby, and babies who are crawling: the second cheek, folding elbow, knee fold (ektensor).
2. of children: occiput, folding elbow, knee fold (fleksura).
3. adult form: cervix folding elbow, knee fold, the back foot (fleksura).
1. the form of a baby, and babies who are crawling: eritem firm boundary, papula / vesicle accompanied by erosion, eksudasi, and krusta.
2. of children: papula milier, not exudate.
3. adult form: sometimes papula, hiperpigmentasi, dry and likenifikasi.

For LSK:
not known. Only search broadcaster infection via culture.
Predileksi: on the back, neck, and extremity, especially wrists, legs, and buttocks.
Efloresensi: papula miliare, likenifikasi, hiperpigmentasi, squama, sometimes eksoriasi.

T. Manus:
fungus infection, differentiated with microscopic examination of skin kerokan KOH and 10% visible elements of mushroom, so that Sabouraud media, and Wood rays.
Predileksi: start circle to the tip of the finger.
Efloresensi: makula eritema, active edge, polisiklik, firm boundaries, squama above lesi and sometimes there are vesicle.

For Psoriasis:
certainly not known, suspected of forming fast the epidermis. Different only find the causes of Psoriasis with the routine examination of blood, cholesterol, blood sugar, acid strand.
Predileksi: elbow, knee, scalp, hand and foot, back, leg up and down and nail.
Efloresensi: makula eritema with a large variety of milier until numular, with descriptions of a wide range, from the arsinar, sirsinar, polisiklis, geographic, firm boundary, covered squama smooth, white flash, which indicates when graze will marks wax drops, and if forwarded will arise bleeding point. Phenomena can also show Kobner.

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