Although the causes of the crisis relatively low blood pressure, but hypertension is a disorder of pervasive and highly significant effect for men. Most of hypertension is essential or primary (no other cause), and hypertensive crisis appears more frequently in patients who have a history of previous hypertension. Hypertensive crisis may also arise because the disease that causes hypertension or any other cause:
kidney disease parenkhim chronic pyelonephritis, preimer glomerulonephritis, tubulointerstitial nephritis (approximately 80% of all secondary causes).
systemic disorders involving the kidney erimatosus systemic lupus, systemic sclerosis, vasculitides.
Renovascular disease atherosklerotik disease, displasi fibromuskuler, poliartritis nodosa.
Endocrine pheokromositoma, Cushing syndrome, primary hiperaldosteronism.
drugs cocaine, amphetamines, cyclosporin, dismissal klonidin, phensiklidin, diet pills, oral contraceptive pill.
drug interactions Monoamine oxidase inhibitors with Tricyclic antidepressants, antihistamines, or tyramine-containing foods.
central nervous system CNS trauma or spinal disorders, for example Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Aortic Koarktasio
Preeclampsia - eklamsia
Hypertension post-surgery.
Hypertensive crisis can occur at any time. Hypertensive crisis may occur in neonates with congenital renal artery hipoplasi, children with acute glomerulonephritis, a young pregnant woman with eklamsia, or parents with atherosclerosis and renal artery stenosis. Some individuals may not be used to increase blood pressure significantly, and the symptoms and clinical manifestations of hypertensive crises arise in blood pressure are lower than those with chronic hypertension. However, treatment must be provided.
In the United States, approximately 50 million people stricken with hypertension. Prevalence increases with age. More than half of people aged between 60-69 years and about three-quarters of people aged 70 years or older who attacked hypertension. According to Mc Cowan, 2006, the crisis of hypertension attacked about 500,000 U.S. residents, or about 1% of adults who suffer from hypertension. And approximately one billion people worldwide suffer from hypertension.
Death due to ischemic heart disease and stroke increases with increasing blood pressure. For every increase in blood pressure 20 mmHg 10 mmHg systole and diastole, the risk of death due to ischemic heart disease and stroke would double.
When compared to existing inter-racial, African-American race is a race that has the greatest risk factor for hypertension crisis stricken. Hypertensive crisis appears more frequently in patients with advanced age. And overall, the prevalence and incidence of hypertension incidence is greater in men than women. The frequency of occurrence of hypertension crisis also two times more in men than women.
From a research note that blood pressure control is less effective in terms of systole blood pressure measurement is an independent risk factor for hypertension crisis cases that appeared in the ER.
But instead of that, mobilities and mortality due to hypertensive crisis, depending on the number of infected target organs and the extent of blood pressure can be controlled.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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