Hypertensive crisis can be defined as an increase in blood pressure arrived - arrived and meaningful, which diastolic pressure above 120 mm Hg - 130 mm Hg. Increased blood pressure is reached - arrived this may cause damage to several organs and can trigger a stroke occurs. Where in the incident, the heart can not function as well as function.
Mostly the crisis of hypertension is divided into two, namely hypertensive emergency (emergency hypertension) and hypertensive urgency (urgency hypertension).
Hypertension emergency (emergency hypertension) which occurs increased blood pressure is very high and there are abnormalities / target organ damage is progressive, so that in these circumstances blood pressure should be taken down immediately (within minutes to hours) in order to prevent / reduce damage to the target organ occurred.
Hypertension urgent (urgency hypertension) where there are blood pressure is very high but it is not accompanied by abnormalities / progressive organ damage, thus lowering blood pressure can be implemented more slowly, within hours to days.
The term for the progressive hypertension (accelerated hypertension) and malignant hypertension (malignant hypertension) is used in explaining the high blood pressure associated with clinical findings in retina. Accelerated hypertension is associated with bleeding of the retina and the presence of exudate (group 3 Keith-Wagener-Barker retinopathy). And
Malignant hypertension associated with the papiledema (group 4 Keith-Wagener-Barker retinopathy). Current clinical findings are not much different in funduscopy examination. And the situation can be described as a progressive malignant hypertension (accelerated-malignant hypertension).
SYMPTOMS AND clinical manifestations
The crisis is a symptom hypertension target organ affected, including chest pain and shortness of breath on cardiac and aortic dissection; eyes blurred in the eye papilla edema; severe headaches, disturbance of consciousness and brain disorders lateralisasi; acute renal failure in renal impairment; in addition to headache and neck pain on the increase in blood pressure in general.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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