Some microorganisms that can cause acute or chronic tonsillitis can also be a PTA-causing organisms. Aetiology peritonsiler abscess most frequently encountered is a species of aerobic and anaerobic gram-positive are usually found in the culture, usually bacterial beta-hemolytic Streptococcus group A. The next most common is from Staphilokokus groups, pneumococcal, and Haemophilus. And other microorganisms that can be found in the culture including Laktobasillus, groups such as filamentosa shaped Actinomyces sp., Mikrokokus, Neisseria sp., Diphtheria bacteria, Bacteroides sp., And some bacteria other non-sporulation (Gosselin, 2008). Sometimes the infection continues to be tonsila cellulitis difusa of the palate extends tonsila mole. Continuation of this process causes abscesses peritonsilaris. These disorders can occur quickly, with the beginning of tonsillitis, or the end of the course of the disease of acute tonsillitis. This can happen even if given penicillin. Usually unilateral and more frequently in children older and younger adults (Adams, 1997).
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