Pharynx is divided into nasopharynx, orofaring and laringofaring. Nasopharynx is part of the pharynx that lies above pallatum molle, which is part orofaring located between palate molle and hyoid bone, while laringofaring part of the pharynx which extends from the hyoid bone to the lower boundary of cartilage crikoid (Ballenger, 1997). Orofaring open to the oral cavity in the anterior pharyngeal pillars. Pallatum molle (vellum palati) consists of muscle fibers are supported by fibrous tissue which is covered by mucosa. Protrusion on the median dividing it into two parts. Forms such as cones, located disentral called uvula. Two columns made up of tonsils tonsilar Palatina anterior and posterior. Glossoplatina and pharyngopalatina muscle is the largest muscle that make up the pillars of the anterior and posterior columns. Tonsils located between the basin palatoglossal and palatopharyngeal (Steyer, 2007).
Plika triangularis (tonsilaris) is a thin fold of mucosa, which covered the anterior pillar and some and some anterior surface of the tonsils. Plika semilunaris (supratonsil) is the upper folds of the mucosa which unites the two pillars. Supra tonsil fossa is the size of the gap varies over the tonsils, located between the anterior and posterior pillars. Tonsil consists of a protrusion of the circular or circular like cripte containing lymphoid tissue and surrounding connective tissue there. Amid the estuary there cripta mucous glands (Ballenger, 1997).
Tonsils and adenoid are the most important part of the Waldeyer ring lymphoid tissue surrounding the pharynx. Tonsils are located in the sinuses tonsilaris between the anterior and posterior pillars faussium. Faussium tonsils are one on each side is orofaring lymphoid tissue that is wrapped by a clear fibrous capsule. The inner surface of the membrane covered by stratified squamous epithelium which is attached. This epithelium extends into the open surface kripta tonsils. Kripta numbered 8-20 on the tonsils, usually tubular and is almost always extends from the tonsils to kekapsul the outer surface of the tonsils. The bound m.konstriktor faringeus superior, so depressed every time swallowing. m. palatoglusus and m. palatofaring also pressing the tonsils.
During the embryonic period, tonsils pharyngeal pouch formed from the second sebegai endodermal bud from the cell. Shortly after birth, tonsils are irregular and grow until it reaches the size and shape, depending on the number of network limphoid (Steyer, 2007).
Structure around tonsilla Palatina (Jevuska, 2007):
1. Anterior
In the anterior part is tonsilla Palatina palatoglossus Arcus, can extend for a short distance below it.
2. Posterior
There posteriorly palatopharyngeus Arcus.
3. Superior
In the superior near palate molle. Here tonsilla joined the lymphoid tissue on the lower surface of palate molle.
4. Inferior
In a third of the posterior inferior tongue. Here, together with tonsilla Palatina tonsilla lingualis.
5. Medial
In the medial part of the oropharynx space.
6. Lateral
There lateral capsula separated from the superior m.constristor pharyngis by loose areolar tissue. V. Palatina externa walked down from the palate molle in this loose connective tissue, to join the plexus venosus pharyngeus. Lateral to the superior pharynges there m.constrictor m. styloglossus and a.facialis arch. A. The internal carotid is located 2.5 cm behind and lateral tonsilla.
Palatina Tonsilla get vascularisasi from: tonsillaris ramus which is a branch of the facialis artery; the branches of a. Lingualis; a. Palatina ascendens; a. Pharyngea ascendens. While innervasinya, obtained from N. Palatinus Glossopharyngeus and minor nerve. Lymph vessels in the nl. Cervicales profundi. The most important node in this group are jugulodigastricus node, which lies below and belakangangulus mandibulae.
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