Now, as medical science is more advanced and myths often proved wrong, it is wise if the desire choosing gender expert was consulted on (Hasuki, 2006).
Van Bear (1827), von Kolliker (1841) and Van Beneden (1883) is a pioneer scholars conception observations / conceptions / fertilsasi the merger between sperm cells (sperm) with the egg cell (ovum) in the oviduct (fallopian tubes) . They say that half of the number of chromosomes carrying the gene and gender comes from the mother and half from the father as the two seeds were immersed himself. Possibility there are two kinds of sperm cells sperm cells carrying the male chromosome. From the microscopic examination of sperm showed that in the core (nucleus) found a pair of chromosomes that are not the same form (Mochtar, 1998).
McClung (1902) The first researcher who said that the small chromosome called the Y chromosome and the larger X chromosome and this is what determines the sex (Mochtar, 1998).
Rock, J. and Shettels, L.B. (1940-1956) definitively establish that human beings have 46 chromosomes for each cell body and 23 for each sex cell. Now known that humans have 46 chromosomes, 22 pairs did not differ in men and women, called autosomes. A different pairs of chromosomes called the sex chromosomes (gonosom) which determine the sex. A man having sex chromosome X and Y that are genetically written 46XY, while women have similar sex chromosomes XX and written 46xx (Mochtar, 1998).
According to the British Medical Journal, in theory there are 2 methods of selecting the sex of the baby. First, choose the gender before conception in which only follow if the sperm cromosom X or Y cromosom reaching the ovum. The second method is selective pregnancy termination. Electoral gender is not realistic, although some people believe that the atmosphere of alkaline and continuous orgasms can be easier to get the boys because cromosom Y sperm move faster to reach the ovum first. Time when sexual intercourse is also an important factor. Intercourse during ovulation produced a daughter, but only 65% reability. The possibility that sex selection is by artificial insemination using semen (Anon, 1980).
According to Nugroho, other scientific theories that can be used in choosing the sex of the theory of Akihito. So called because it is said that finding was the Japanese emperor Hirohito. Then the crown prince, Akihito, to apply this theory and managed to get 2 sons and 1 daughter, according to his wish. In essence, this theory is based on the calculation of ovulation (egg expenditure) wife (Hasuki, 2006).
As is known, the man in this case there is a sperm cell has a type of sex chromosomes X and Y. While women have 2 same sex chromosomes are X and X. When the sex, X sperm fertilize the egg cell occurs meeting with X chromosome X, thus obtained is a girl (XX). Conversely if Y sperm that fertilize the egg, the Y chromosome X chromosome will meet that will have a baby boy (XY). So basically, the boy can be obtained if the Y sperm first fertilized egg. As for getting the girls to the X sperm first fertilized egg cell (Hasuki, 2006).
The results also show each chromosome has its own character. Y sperm round, smaller, or about a third of the X chromosome, bright, way faster, and he was shorter and less resistant in the acidic atmosphere. While X sperm was bigger, walking slowly, its shape longer, and can survive much longer and more resistant to acid atmosphere (Hasuki, 2006).
From the data it can be inferred if they want to get the boys the sex must be coincident or immediately after ovulation (when an egg cell exit from the ovary or of fertility). That way, the Y sperm into the uterus can directly fertilize the egg. As for getting a girl, intercourse should be done before ovulation occurs. For example, ovulation could have occurred on the 10th. Therefore, sex should be done 3 days earlier, so that at the time of ovulation occurs live X sperm are still alive and an egg (Hasuki, 2006).
This method is not practical because the couple had to know the exact duration of ovulation. And to know that a woman should measure basal body temperature for 3 consecutive months. Measurement process was not allowed one, namely by putting a special thermometer in the mouth every morning before getting out of bed. There are several other conditions, such as room temperature should be normal and not a woman in ill health. Then, the measurement was recorded in a table. If one day, showed an increase in body temperature compared to the basal temperature, meaning that's when ovulation is happening.
Unfortunately, for women with irregular menstrual cycles, it is certainly hard to do. The accuracy of this method is also low because no matter what we do not know whether X or Y sperm that successfully fertilize the egg.
Shettles was a physician and international experts in the field of human reproductive physiology. He has amazing knowledge about the world of IVF or test tube conception and is also known in terms of research and discovery about how to choose the sex of the baby. Here are the results of his findings:
1. Medical science has long known that the men who determine the sex of offspring.
2. The husband who deserts his wife or divorce her because they do not produce male children is deceiving and fooling himself.
3. Sperm in the semen consists of the size and shape:
- Smaller sperm with round heads called andro-sperm containing the Y chromosome that produce male sex.
- Sperm larger size with an oval head (oval) called gino-sperm containing the X chromosome that produces the female sex.
4. Gino-sperm has an endurance and greater vitality and longer than the andro-sperm.
5. Situations and conditions around the vagina, the factors that influence:
- Conditions that copulation burrows will inhibit both acid gino-andro-sperm or sperm, but it will hit and weaken andro-sperm early and in large quantities,
- Whereas the situation is alkaline vagina, whether the two kinds of sperm. That's why the chemical makeup of a woman's body becomes more alkaline at the approach of ovulation seconds so the chances of conception (fertilization) is more optimal. Moreover, if intercourse is done to reach orgasm.
6. In non-acidic environments, andro-sperm able to move more agile and faster than gino-sperm.
7. Timing intercourse during ovulation and is supporting factor in choosing the sex of the baby:
- Intercourse is conducted at close to ovulation time and when the slime pit is very alkaline intercourse, so most likely to produce a baby boy
- Intercourse is performed 2-3 days before ovulation, when mucus acidic vagina, the possibility of daughters produced
8. The number of sperm per cubic centimeter can also affect the sex of the baby. If the sperm count 20 million or less (oligospermi) the possibility of offspring varies inversely with the amount. It could be argued that if the sperm count of one million or less in case of pregnancy, it will only produce a baby girl.
Shettles finally make two procedures and guidelines for each of you who wanted a baby girl or a boy.
Procedures and Guidelines For Women Wanting Babies
1. Do sex 3 days before ovulation and then stop 2 days before ovulation. Intercourse can be repeated again 2 days after ovulation.
2. Close before couples make intercourse, genital pit several times rinsed with a mixture of 1 liter of water + 2 tablespoons white table salt.
3. The wife should try to avoid orgasm because it would remove alkaline secretion which will neutralize the acid environment.
4. Choose the face position, face to face, husband and wife on the bottom, so that the sperm directly into the skin way cervix.
5. Should occur when the husband orgasm and ejaculation, do not do penetration of the penis is experienced in, remove the part.
6. Sexual conduct after a period every 2 days on a regular basis until 2-3 days before ovulation will be better. Because the number of relatively small sperm may increase the likelihood of getting a baby girl.
Abdominal Pain
15 years ago
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