Otitis 3: Eksterna - Patofisiology

PatofisiologyTrauma to the ear hole, the accumulation of keratin, or changes in pH can affect the occurrence of inflammation and infection. One study revealed that the bacteria have aerobe share of 91%, anaerobe four percent (4%), and also a mix of infection-four...
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Peritonsiler abscess (PTA / Quinsy) 9

COMPLICATIONS Complications that can arise in the abscess is peritonsiler (Fachruddin, 2002): 1. Spontaneous abscess rupture, causing hemorrhage, or pulmonary aspiration pyernia. 2. Spreading infection and abscess to the area, causing parafaring abscess...
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Peritonsiler abscess (PTA / Quinsy) 8

Management Handling peritonsiler abscess include hydration, pain, and antibiotics are effective to overcome Staphylococcus aureus and anaerobic bacteria. Fine needle aspiration is an effective treatment in 75% peritonsiler abscess in children and is...
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Peritonsiler abscess (PTA / Quinsy) 7

DIAGNOSIS Information from patients is needed to make the diagnosis peritonsiler abscess. Patients had a history of pain in the esophagus is one that supports peritonsilar abscess. History of acute pharyngitis and tonsillitis accompanied by a lack of...
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Peritonsiler abscess (PTA / Quinsy) 6

Typically, complaints emerged in patients with a history of acute pharyngitis with acute tonsillitis (Gosselin, 2008). Classic symptoms begin 3-5 days time from onset of symptoms until the occurrence of abscesses around 2-8 days. Patients usually experience...
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